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  1) Eng Creative Writing   5) Eng Comprehension
2) Grammar Strengthening
6) International School
3) Oral Speaking & Debate
7) IELTS Exam Prep
4) School Interviews
8) Adult English














International Sch MYP, IGCSE, IB, IAL
國際學校課程 適合流利英語 寫作技巧 有待改善學生
2024年 Summer English (7-14堂)
Writing, Speaking不想白白浪費時間? 拔尖補底 現接受报名!
名校國際學校面試 極速提昇機會 (2小時堂)
適合 插班跳班 香港中小學, DSE 官立學校, 幼稚園, 面試入學試
Intensive 速成英語 考試課程 (4堂)
可選Toefl Junior,Cambridge,Oxford 升中必備 名校入場券
HKDSE English Exam Prep (4堂)
適合 DSE英文 三人小組 極速針對寫作及oral小組討論 最後衝刺








Students Background 學生卓越背景
International Schools 國際學校
German Swiss International 德瑞國際學校
Chinese International 漢基國際學校
Yew Chung International 耀中國際學校
Singapore International 新加坡國際學校 2023年學生
Victoria Shanghai Academy 滬江維多利亞學校 2022年學生
King George V School 英皇佐治五世學校
Japanese International 日本人國際學校 2020年學生
Li Po Chun United College 李寶椿聯合世界書院
Harrow International School 哈羅香港國際學校 2023年學生
Island School 港島中學 2022年學生
Hong Lok Yuen International 康樂園國際學校
Korean International School 韓國國際學校 2023年學生
Sear Rogers International 弘爵國際學校
West Island School 西島中學 2022年學生
Australian International 澳洲國際學校
Hong Kong Japanese School 香港日本人學校
Stamford American School Stamford 美國學校 2020年學生
Lycee Francais International 法國國際學校
American International School 美國國際學校
Concordia International School 協同國際學校
Canadian International School 加拿大國際學校 2021年學生
Christian Alliance P.C.Lau 宣道會劉平齋紀念國際學校
Renaissance College 啓新書院
Delia School Of Canada 地利亞(加拿大)
UK / Hong Kong Schools 英國/香港學校
Brighton College 2023成功入學 拔萃女書院
Westminster School 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院
Concord College 2022成功入學 喇沙書院
Abingdon School 2023成功入學 聖保羅男女中學
Sevenoaks School 皇仁書院
Shrewsbury Sch 2022成功入學 聖若瑟英文書院
Bromsgrove Sch 2022成功入學 九龍華仁書院
Cheltenham Ladies College'23 庇理羅士女子中學
Charterhouse School 英皇書院
Reading School 2023成功入學 香港華仁書院
Headington School 培正中學
Ardingly College 德望中學
Whitgift School 2022成功入學 英華書院
Warwick School 2022年學生 真光女書院
Tonbridge School 拔萃男書院
Mayfield School 2021成功入學 嘉諾撒聖心書院
Rugby School 保良局董玉娣中學
Roedean School 2023年學生 元朗鄉議局中學
Kingswood School 2023年學生 荃灣官立中學
Downside School 2022成功入學 屯門官立中學
LGS 2022成功入學 聖保羅書院
Epsom College 張祝珊英文中學
Clifton College 2021年學生 趙聿修紀念中學
Monmouth Sch 2022成功入學 民生書院
Teachers Background





Covering English as Additional Language EAL, ESL, Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal Reasoning etc.

Topics inc. Reading, Fact & Opinion, Presentation, Argument, Collating, Cross-References, Language, Structural & Presentational Devices, Types of Non-Fiction, Types of Media
Poetry (Sound, Imagery, Purpose, Tone, Attitude, Comparisons, Narrative, Responding)
Writing, Accurate Spelling, Appropriate Punctuation, Sentence Structures, Using Paragraphs, Work Presentation, Vocabulary & Stylistic Features, Exploration, Entertainment, Imagination, Description, Explanation, Arguments, Persuasion, Analysis, Review, Comments, Instructions

Ms. Chan possesses a Masters MPhil degree in Finance from the University of Cambridge (UK), and a Bachelors BSc degree in Financial Economics from the University of St. Andews (UK). She has taught in the centre for over 5 years. Born in the UK and brought up in Belgium, Ms. Chan is fluent in the languages of English, French, Dutch and German; and is qualified in various Teaching Specialist Certificates including Teaching Business English, Teaching English to Young Learners, Teaching English One-to-One, TEFL Course etc. Previously Ms. Chan had worked as a civil servant at the Finance and Strategy Department in Belgium. Ms. Chan focuses in teaching the academic subjects of English, Maths, Economics and Accounting.

Ms. Williams, a Native English Teacher (NET) From Australia, is a graduate in Bachelor of Education and a valid holder of Advanced TESOL Diploma & International English Teachers License. She has taught in the centre for over 2 years. Ms. Williams has over 8 years of experience working with children. Initially she worked in childcare and as a boarding house parent. In the past 2 years, as an English Language teacher, she had taught English to different ages of children, from Kindergarten to IELTS, TOEFL and SAT. Previously for 7 years Ms. Williams actively participated in the BMX Championships. And was nominated as the "Best Poet" in the International Society of Poets "Outstanding Achievement in Poetry" Award.


English, EE, TOK

Mr. Keung graduate BSc Philosophy at London School of Economics and Political Science LSE, University of London (UK). His major is in 17th century Philosophy of Science. He has over 10 years of practical experience in prepping students with common entrance exams, I/GCSE, A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U syllabus etc. Mr. Keung also has a high success rate with SSAT, SAT and ACT students. He is very familiar with top independent boarding schools and top universities entry requirement. Mr. Keung is experienced in school & university interviews, cv review, personal statements and critical thinking skills, IB Diploma Theory of Knowledge TOK and Extended Essay Dissertation Writing. Mr. Keung also tutors final year students dissertation at university level.



Parents Recommendations 家長留言



I know UKEA because of my friend’s referral. In the beginning, I let my daughter had the summer course. I found that UKEA teachers are good. They prepare the teaching materials well. Therefore, we continue to have the regular courses in September. My daughter gains a great improvement in English writing and grammar usage. I will let my little daughter to have English lessons in UKEA as well.

我是在朋友介紹下而認識UKEA,開始時我讓大女試讀Summer Course,發現UKEA的老師很好,撰寫講義又用心,放是便繼續為她報讀九月份的常規課程。大女的英文作文及文法運用的確有明顯的進步,所以我也讓妹妹在UKEA就讀英語課程。

Mrs. Fan


Alex has learned in UKEA since he was young. Then, he enrolled in Flyers and PET. I firmly believe that learning English takes time. And I believe that UKEA courses will help my son build a good foundation in English. When my little son go to primary school, he has writing and grammar lessons in UKEA as same as his brother.  

Alex 自小在UKEA學習Movers,繼而報讀Flyers及PET, 因為我深信英語學習是需要時間浸淫的,而UKEA的課程有助兒子打好英語基礎,所以弟弟升小學後,也學哥哥一樣開始在UKEA學習writing及grammar。

Mr. Tsui


Pak Ching gained 15 shields which means full marks in the Flyers test in July. It is quite surprising and it relies on the teachers of UKEA. Pak Ching is particularly interested in English. It may because the teachers really know how to teach the children, and it is one of the main reasons for me to let Pak Ching learn English in UKEA.

柏晴於7月考獲劍橋英語Flyers 15個盾牌,即滿分成績,特別令人喜出意外,全靠UKEA英語導師。柏晴對英文特別感興趣,可能是因為老師真的很懂得教好孩子,這定柏晴一直留在UKEA學習英語的主要原因之一。

Ms. Leung


Kristopher used to be shy and be afraid to speak English. However, after attending Creative Writing and Intellectual Debate course, Kristopher becomes lively, talkative, confident and polite. When he meets the foreigners, he will take the initiative to say hello. He also learns how to express his feelings. His English oral is improved and has more confidence in speaking English. I am assured that Kristopher will continue to take regular courses in September after joining the taster courses in summer.

Kristopher一向較害羞而且怕說英語,自從參加 Creative Writing 及 Intellectual Debate 課程,Kristopher 變得活潑健談、自信有禮,遇到陌生外國人士會主動 say hello,更學會表達所思所想,英語會話徐疾有致、充滿自信。所以我很放心 Kristopher 於暑期體驗 taster course 後繼續報讀 UKEA 的9月正規課程。

Mr. Pang


UKEA Interview Skills courses are different from those which are available in the market. Through the interview, it is easy for the Principals to know students’ level and whether they just memorize the model answers. UKEA sees children’s need as a starting point, Interview Skills courses are designed with a lot of effort to understand and nurture children, and observe student's personality and effective way to communicate, and then explore their potential. With good teacher-student relationship, children have a sense of security, thus they can perform well during interviews.

UKEA 的 Interview Skills 課程並非市面上一般面試雞精班。校長透過面試,很快很容易便知道學生程度及有否死背model answer。UKEA以小孩子為出發點,Interview Skills 課程花很多時心機了解及培育小孩子,觀察學生的性格和有效溝通方法,然後發掘潛能。師生關係好的小朋友既開朗又有安全感,面試表現發揮自然勝人一籌!

Mrs. Siu


Although we live in Yuen Long and it is so far for us to have classes in Tsim Sha Tsui, my son will miss the teacher if does not meet in a few days. He said that he does not want to waste his time as the teaching contents of the previous school are too easy for him. My son and I found that the Cambridge English course provided by UKEA is richer. It contains listening, speaking, writing and reading skills, so it attracts my son to stay in UKEA.

雖然我們家住元朗到尖沙咀上課,是有點舟居勞頓,但兒子幾天不見都會掛念老師,而且他說不想浪費自己的時間,因為以前學劍橋英語的學校,教的內容都太淺了。針對程度深淺問題,我與兒子發現UKEA劍橋英語的課程內容豐富很多,全面兼顧聽、講、寫、讀的技巧,所以吸引兒子留在 UKEA 修讀。

Ms. Chang


The major reason for me to let my daughter attend English courses in UKEA is small class teaching. Moreover, the high standards of teaching can be maintained. As the number of places is limited, it is better to have the application as soon as possible.

我一直讓女兒繼續留在 UKEA 學英語的最大原因是小班教學. 教學水準都能保持一貫有的高質素. 因學額額滿即止, 所以要每季都要早點報名!

Mrs Yeung


I have a memorable moment that I saw MARC discuss about the environment problem with teacher and classmates in English. I am glad that my son learns English actively and his English performance in school is improved a lot. It is thanks to UKEA’s guidance.

我最難忘有次等 MARC 落堂, 在課室外聽到 MARC 很主動用英語跟老師及其他同學導討論一些關於環境污染的內容! 很高興兒子那麼主動學習英語! 而且, 校內英文課成績大大進步! 多你們悉心的指導!

Mrs Wong


In order to admit to a good secondary school, I have already begun to collect information for my daughter-Melissa. Due to highly recommendation by friends and relatives, I finally chose interview intensive course provided by UKEA. It helps strengthen Melissa’s English level and increase her confidence. Finally, Melissa successfully entered Maryknoll Convent School. We would like to thank UKEA for its guidance.

為了幫助 Melissa 考入一所優秀中學,我在她三年級時早已開始籌備搜集資料,經親友極力推薦下,我於云云英語機構中最後選擇了UKEA 的升中面試精讀班,集中打好 Melissa 的英文基礎及自信表現,最後 Melissa 成功入讀名校瑪利諾修院中學,我們很感謝 UKEA 眾老師的悉心教導。

Mrs Chan


Experienced English teacher Ms. Chan often encourages Andrea to express her own views in class. It helps increase her self-confidence and her English performance in school is improved. Although we live in Tuen Mun and it is a little bit far for us, Andrea has followed Ms. Chan for more than three years. We highly recommend UKEA English courses.

資深英文老師 Ms. Chan 經常鼓勵 Andrea 於班上多用英文發表意見,大大增加她的個人自信,而且校內英文成績突飛猛進。儘管我們於屯門居住,路途較遠,但 Andrea 已跟隨Ms. Chan 三年多了。我們極力推薦他們的英語課程。

Mrs Chan


All parents have great ambitions for their children. Due to recommendation by friends, we apply for interview intensive course for Donald. We expect that he can tackle the interviews under the best condition. Finally, Donald successfully enrolled in our favorite school. UKEA’s effort cannot be ignored.

望子成龍,是每位家長的最大心願。在朋友的介紹下,我們為 Donald 報讀面試培訓精讀班,期望他在最佳狀態下迎戰面試難關,結果 Donald 成功考取我們全家心儀的學校,UKEA 實在是功不可抹!

Mrs Au


We tried to attend Interview intensive courses which are available in the market. After the comparison, we found that teachers of UKEA will not force student to memorize the interview questions. On the contrary, they encourage and help students have self-awareness, observation and analysis capabilities. They also set a good example with their own conduct. Thus, my child is able to perform well during interviews and successfully enrolled in our favorite school. We would like to thank the teacher!

我們曾嘗試坊間一般的”面試雞精班”,經比較下 UKEA 的老師不會強制學生硬記面試問題,相反他們鼓勵及幫助學生多作自我認識,提高認知、觀察及分析能力;並以身作則,建立待人接物的良好榜樣。因此我家小孩於面試時能做到突出的表現,成功考入理想學校。我們衷心感謝老師!

Mrs Yip


I admire that UKEA will make an assessment regularly according to each student's level instead of their age. Then, they will have an arrangement step-by-step. Although my daughter is going to study in Primary 3, she has already applied for the Flyers exam. Thank you!

我很欣賞 UKEA 會根據每位學生的程度定時作出評估,然後安排跳班,不會墨守成規按年齡慢慢升班;我的女兒現在雖將升讀3年級,但已在 UKEA 報考 Flyers 級程度的劍橋英語考試。謝謝!

Mrs Fong


I think the greatest advantage of this course is that it is very systematic. It allows students to strengthen their English listening, writing, speaking and reading skills gradually. My daughter attends every lesson with a happy mood. Her school’s English performance continues improve. We would like to thank the teachers’ guidance!

我覺得這個課程的最大好處是非常有系統,按部就班的使孩子英語的聽、寫、講、讀的能力逐步加強。 我的女兒每次都抱著愉快心情期待上課,而且校內英語成績不斷進步. 多謝老師們的指導!

Mrs Yeung


UKEA’s Intellectual Debate Course trains students’ speaking and organizational skills, and the mode of debate. It enables students to understand that English oral should not rely on rigid memorizing. Students have to learn to debate issues with different forms. It is better for them to exchange different opinions with other students in English. I am convinced that this is the reason that Harold likes to attend classes in UKEA.

UKEA 的英語技巧辯論課程,主要訓練學生的說話和組織能力、英語辯論模式,讓學生明白到英語應對不能死背答案、胡亂應對,而應學懂不同形式的辯論問題,習慣與其他學生以英語互相交流不同意見和看法。我深信這是 Harold 喜愛到 UKEA 上課的原因。

Mr Cheung


All in all the past years’ experiences, if parents want your children to have a good performance in the interview, parents should not exert pressure on children. The main purpose of the interview is nothing more than having a depth of mutual understanding between school teachers and parents. If the kids can enjoy the mutual understanding with the teachers, they can perform well during the interview. Under the guidance of Ms. Chan, my child gains a great improvement in English presentation and my child also builds an interest in English. Therefore, after the interview, my child has attended English writing and debate course in UKEA.

總括過去一年多的經驗,我認為要小孩於升中面試中有良好表現,家長切忌施加壓力。面試的主要目的,不外乎讓學校老師及學生家長作深入的互相了解。如小孩能享受跟老師互相認識的過程,面試表現自然理過人。在Ms. Chan的耐心指導下,我的小孩的英語表達能力進步了後多,並且對英文產生了濃厚的興趣,故面試過後,我為小孩報讀了英文寫作及辯論的課程。

Mrs Lin


Starting from 2006, my daughter has been studying Creative Writing courses in UKEA. Her English results continue improving. I am never worried about her English subject. I absolutely trust UKEA.

由06年開始,我的女兒便一直在UKEA 修讀 Creative Writing 英文課程, 令她的英語成績不斷進步, 英文這一科我從來沒為她操過心,我絕對信任 UKEA。

Mrs Man