Courses 中文      9478 5000  
Personal Statement Instructing Program
Course features
  • Personal Statement helps express students’ strengths
  • An outstanding self-introduction leads students to stand out above the rest
  • With the help of the course, our students successfully entered into top universities
Suitable for:
  • Students who intend to enter into Hong Kong or overseas universities
  • Year 12-13 students
  • Candidates for DSE
  • Candidates for GCE, AS, A2, A-Level
  • Candidates for MBA
Program outline
  • Student provides their academic background for reference
  • Student writes their own personal statement. Our instructor will provide in-depth analyses and recommendations in order to express student’s strengths.
  • Providing guidelines on wording and content of personal statement, including reasons for choosing this school, reasons for applying for this subject, how the course help student’s future studies, connect academic achievements and practical training experiences with applied course 
  • Program includes 2-3 revisions
Program syllabus:

This program is specially designed for the below subjects:

  • Veterinary Science
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Law
  • Engineering
  • Business Management & Administration
  • MBA
  • Architecture
  • Computer Science

University Interview Preparation Course
Course features
  • Choose Intensive and/or Booster Course (follow-up)
  • Prepare students for entering into top Hong Kong or overseas universities
  • Mastering interview skills, analyzing interview modus and requirements of assessment
  • With the help of the course, our students successfully enter into top universities
  • Students who intend to enter into Hong Kong or overseas universities
  • Year 12-13 students
  • Candidates for DSE
  • Candidates for GCE, AS, A2, A-LEVEL
  • Candidates for MBA
  • Experienced instructors are graduated from prestigious schools in UK, America, Australia, etc.
  • ŸInstructors grasp the tips and techniques of CEE. They are rich in teaching experiences.
  • Helps master exam skills and techniques through drilling past papers
Course schedule
  • Academic Term: Mon-Fri 16.30-19.00, Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Summer Term: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00
  • Pls contact 852-2735 7268 or 9478 5000 to check for schedule
Course outline
  • Mock interview training
  • Mastering interview tips and skills
  • Providing guidelines on wording and content of self-introduction
  • Course includes Self, Motivation, Expectations, Work Experience, Faculty, Contemporary Ethics
Exam syllabus

This program is specially designed for the below subjects:

  • Veterinary Science
  • Medicine
  • Pharmacy
  • Law
  • Engineering
  • Business Management & Administration
  • MBA
  • Architecture
  • Computer Science

IELTS Past Paper Drilling Course
Course features
  • Choose Intensive and/or Booster Course (follow-up)
  • Drilling IELTS past papers
  • ŸFamiliarizing examination mode to obtain outstanding results
Suitable for
  • Candidates for IELTS
  • Private candidates
  • Experienced instructors are graduated from prestigious schools in UK, America, Australia, etc.
  • ŸInstructors grasp the tips and techniques of CEE. They are rich in teaching experiences.
  • Helps master exam skills and techniques through drilling past papers
Course schedule
  • Term 1 (Sept to Dec)
  • Term 2 (Jan to Apr)
  • Summer Term 2 (Jul to Aug)
  • Pls contact 852-2735 7268 or 9478 5000 to check for schedule
Course outline
  • Analyzing questions
  • Mastering exam tips and techniques
  • Focusing on answers analysis
  • Drilling past papers
Exam syllabus
  • IELTS Reasoning Test: Critical reading, Writing, Listening

[英國大學] 2024 UCAS 重大改革 重要事項❗️

今年Year 12 報UCAS未受影響,可留意我們的課程 (只需4小時完成ps,2小時Interview Prep)

⭐️ 取消個人陳述 personal statement (PS)
⭐️ 老師 predicted grade (PG) 學生推薦信已改短為答題模式
⭐️ 劍橋大學停辦入學考試如醫學系BMAT、工程系、自然科學及數學系,未來引入新考核,由於無往年經驗,新制下報考劍橋難度大大提高
⭐️ 英國A level因疫情取消,改用中央評估致「評級通脹」,考獲A*/A人數大幅,造成學位供不應求,部分學生被要求gap year延遲一年入學,2024、2025年持續供不應求,特別Top 10名牌大學更加兢爭激烈❗️


您或會感興趣的課程/ 服務:
    課程 :
        適合本地生 常規課程
   自修 A-Level 試卷操練
       Past paper 操練必選
    服務 :
       英國名校 升學權威
        一年捷徑 直升大學